Sustainable business strategies to optimize systemic competitive success in the paranaense rain forest region Argentina
Palabras clave:
Human resources; Paranaense rainforest; Systemic competitiveness; Strategy; SustainabilityResumen
The objective of the present article is to present a systemic analysis scheme to contribute to the comprehension of the functioning of the different competitive levels to which the organizations are submitted: macro (level affected by the national policies), meso (external environment) and micro (organization). It is in this wide and complex mainframe, where the organizations have to build their own competitive advantages, and formulate the most appropriate strategic frame for this purpose, baring in mind the implications of having a regional current high cultural heterogeneity. To achieve the effective management and ensure thefavorable present and future evolution of the enterprise, its strategic frame has to include the three dimensions of sustainable development. Coherent with the systemic perspective, the functioning of an approach, which considers the relations among enterprise and its stakeholders, is illustrated, and the three needed elements to achieve the effective management in the present context: openness to the environment, consideration of complexity and strategic frame; and the underlying internal logic that guides enterprise’s decisions and actions. Finally, from the system (or enterprise) towards its external environment, competitiveadvantages can be build, at the meso level, through cooperation, alliances and intermediate organizations.Descargas
Cómo citar
Keller, P. (2005). Sustainable business strategies to optimize systemic competitive success in the paranaense rain forest region Argentina. Revista Científica Visión De Futuro, 5(1). Recuperado a partir de
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