A journey through the neo institutionalism authors and highlights


  • Gustavo Rafael Henríquez Fuentes Northern University


Institutions; Contract; neoinstitutionalism; Vertical Integration; Asset Specificity.


This article is an effort to address the thinking of the leading exponents of the current institutionalism Neo. It is written in a way that allows us to observe the development of business from a perspective that combines the rational and non-rational thoughts of people, where selfishness and opportunism play an important role, and where the institutions created by man are regulator actions. Neo institutionalism for transaction costs become northern theory, and how to seek efficiency to decrease in a common goal of actors. Other important factors Neo institutionalism treat in the article are the institutions as the main unit of the theory, the contract, specific assets and Vertical Integration as a way of managing seeking efficiency in processes. The theme of vertical integration will allow the reader to understand the importance of the acquisition of the many assets tangible and intangible assets of another company in order to reduce costs and take total control of the production process, thus achieving design operations most beneficial way for the buyer to the extent that decreases market dependence.

Author Biography

Gustavo Rafael Henríquez Fuentes, Northern University

Doctoral fellow in Administration, Universidad del Norte. Master in Business Administration and Innovation and Market, Advertising and Sales Engineer, Universidad Simón Bolívar. Technologist in Logistics Management, SENA. Professor-Researcher at the Universidad de la Costa, Barranquilla. I have experience in the area of ​​Logistics, Sales and Teaching.


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How to Cite

Henríquez Fuentes, G. R. (2017). A journey through the neo institutionalism authors and highlights. Scientific Journal Visión De Futuro, 21(2). Retrieved from https://revistacientifica.fce.unam.edu.ar/index.php/visiondefuturo/article/view/137



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