Investing in biodiesel african palm oil for aluminium recycling plant in Cabinda Angola


  • David Muto Lubota University November 11
  • Erenio González Suárez Central University of Las Villas
  • Gilberto Dionisio Hernández Pérez Central University of Las Villas
  • Juan Esteban Miño Valdés National University of Misiones
  • Inti González Herrera University of Bordeaux I


Aluminum; Biodiesel; Investments; Oil; Recycling.


The study of the possibilities that the efficient use of the raw oil of African Palm has is exposed in this work, for production of bioenergetics that guarantees the operations of an aluminium waste recycling plant. A conceptual model and the procedures for the assimilation of technologies of bioenergetics production reported in previous works to Lubota et at., (2016) is proved in the study. Owing to their importance, it is considered the uncertainty to the future changes with emphasis on the growth of the demand of capacities of urban solid waste processing and the material availability. The investment capacity values are established for the first six-year phase with a forward-looking vision, for the second phase, that these capacity values will increase in relation to the first phase. Through this work, dynamic indicators of economic analysis were established, whose results were US$1,832,409 for the net present value, 22% for the internal rate of return and 3 years for payback period of investment at present value.

Author Biographies

David Muto Lubota, University November 11

Industrial Engineer / Master in Industrial Engineering / Dr. in Technical Sciences, graduated from the Faculty of Industrial Engineering of the Central University of Las Villas, Cuba. Professor at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the “11 de Noviembre” University, Angola.

Erenio González Suárez, Central University of Las Villas

Chemical Engineer / Dr. in Technical Sciences, Dr. in Sciences - Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy - Universidad Central de las Villas, Cuba. Post Dr. Environmental Management and Industrial Safety - University of Magdeburg, Germany. Member of Merit - Academy of Sciences - Cuba. National Chemistry Engineering Award 2013 - Chemical Association of Cuba. Titular Professor and Emeritus - Central University of Las Villas, Cuba.

Gilberto Dionisio Hernández Pérez , Central University of Las Villas

Industrial Engineer and Dr. in Technical Sciences graduated from the Faculty of Industrial Engineering of the Central University of Las Villas, Cuba. Titular Professor and Emeritus of the Central University of Las Villas, Cuba.

Juan Esteban Miño Valdés , National University of Misiones

Chemical Engineer / Specialist in Production and Environment / MSc. in Food Technology. Dr. in Technical Sciences - Universidad Central de las Villas, Cuba. PosDr. Science and Innovation Management in the Chemical Industry / PosDr. Scientific Policy R + D + i for local development / PosDr. the University: Intangible Capital to develop the Chemical Industry. Regular Professor - Faculty of Engineering - UNaM, Argentina.

Inti González Herrera, University of Bordeaux I

Degree in Computer Science and Master in Computer Science graduated from the Computer Science Faculty of the Central University of Las Villas, Cuba. Dr. in Computer Science graduated from the University of Rennes I, France. Professor and Researcher at the University of Rennes I, France.


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How to Cite

Muto Lubota, D. ., González Suárez, E. ., Hernández Pérez , G. D. ., Miño Valdés , J. E. ., & González Herrera, I. . (2018). Investing in biodiesel african palm oil for aluminium recycling plant in Cabinda Angola. Scientific Journal Visión De Futuro, 22(1). Retrieved from



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