Evaluation and selection of the layout of an installation with the use of a hybrid approach multiatribute simulation
Layout; Simulation; Multicriteria techniques; Hybrid Approach.Abstract
The successful performance of the production organizations of material goods or service necessarily involves the correct location of the elements that make up the productive system, so as to satisfactorily respond not only to current situations but also to possible future scenarios. Among the techniques of Operations Research, which are useful for analyzing the behavior of systems, there is Simulation, which has demonstrated its advantages in the quantification of output variables or indicators of interest, associated with each designed scenario. In particular, this article demonstrates the convenience of using Simulation to evaluate the layout of an organization in different scenarios and multiple criteria. The steps of a hybrid approach based on Simulation and Multicriteria techniques and their application to two case studies are shown. To evaluate the behavior of the systems according to the designed layout, respective models of Simulation are generated and solved through the ARENA language version 15.0. In addition, as multi-attribute techniques for the selection of the preferred layout the following methods are applied: lexicographic and EDIPO; in the latter case with the use of the DECISION software.References
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