Information technology and communications investments and its impact on competitiveness


  • Alberto Guillermo Tricoci Buenos Aires' University
  • Pablo Alejandro Corral Buenos Aires' University
  • Ariana Miriam Rosenthal Buenos Aires' University


ICT; Investment; Innovation; Competitiveness; Social Networks.


With the main goal of keeping and improving competitiveness, the evolution and growing use of information and communication technology (ICT) have affected Organizations; impacting their strategic planning processes, their ICT investment decision making processes, as well as their organizational structure. The objective of this work is developing an approach to the impact of ICT investments in Argentine organizations, based on a field study completed at the School of Economics Sciences of UBA. We will analyze ICT investment patterns and its impact in organization competitiveness in dimensions such as cost reductions, changes in business strategy or changes in organizational structure. Impact of social network usage in competitiveness will be a special focus of this work, analyzing behavioral changes based on size and capital composition of the enterprises.

Author Biographies

Alberto Guillermo Tricoci , Buenos Aires' University

Public Accountant (FCE-UBA). Graduate in Administration (FCE-UBA) Postgraduate in Economics (UDESA). Deputy Director of the Pedagogical Department of Systems, Faculty of Economic Sciences, (UBA). Professor (int) of Information Technology. Teacher of Masters. Director and Thesis Jury. Director of Research Projects (UBA). Consultant in the public and private sector.

Pablo Alejandro Corral , Buenos Aires' University

Degree in Information Systems for Organizations (FCE-UBA). Regular Adjunct Professor of "Information Technology" FCE-UBA. Researcher FCE-UBA and UBACyT. Consultant, Leader and Project Manager in national and foreign private organizations.

Ariana Miriam Rosenthal , Buenos Aires' University

Graduate in Information Systems of Organizations with orientation in Planning (FCE-UBA). Project Management Professional (PMI). Interim Associate Professor and Regular Adjunct "Information Technology" (FCE-UBA). Graduate Thesis Tutor. Researcher FCE-UBA and UBACyT. Consultant and Project Manager in private and public organizations.


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How to Cite

Tricoci , A. G., Corral , P. A., & Rosenthal , A. M. (2016). Information technology and communications investments and its impact on competitiveness. Scientific Journal Visión De Futuro, 20(1). Retrieved from



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