Forgotten effects in the design of a political campaign


  • Marta Sarasola Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Departamento de Matemáticas. Misiones, Argentina.


Campaign; Candidate; Communication; Election


The political campaign prior to an election has as its objective to place the candidate in A winner s position. To carry that out, a group of experts meet to design the strategies that will highlight, to the voters, those qualities that distinguish him from the rest of the candidates. To achieve the voters' best concept, a series of actions are planned in certain media or communication channels. It may happen that the repercussion of a media on a the direct only quality, be larger than those planned, when indirect ones.Although the topic has been outlined in a theoretical way, by some authors, the work uses real data, provided by the heads of the political campaign of the two parties, which presented candidates for  Governor of the Province of Misiones, for the elections held in 1999. The results allowed the experts to get to know the forgotten effects, in their strategic models, allowing them to reconsider the initial matrix of direct repercussion. thus they will be able to make decisions in the planning of further election campaigns, where the allocation of financial resources is optimized, to the different options of propaganda channels.



How to Cite

Sarasola, M. (2003). Forgotten effects in the design of a political campaign. Scientific Journal Visión De Futuro, 1(1). Retrieved from



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