Liquidity and profitability of companies listed on the Lima Stock Exchange in the context of the Covid19 pandemic



Liquidity, Profitability, Pandemic, COVID, Stock market.


The research objective was to determine the relationship between the liquidity and profitability variables of the companies listed on the Lima Stock Exchange during the years 2020 and 2021, to demonstrate the prevalence of the problems of said variables in the various sectors as an effect of the covid 19 pandemic. The research was carried out with the deductive process, with a retrospective cross-sectional non-experimental design, applying a documentary analysis sheet to collect the required data from the audited financial statements of the companies under study. The results revealed that a high percentage (more than 30%) of the companies studied either had liquidity less than 1 or greater than 2 and negative profitability. It was demonstrated that the liquidity problem is directly and significantly related to the profitability problem in the evaluated ratios.

Author Biography

José Luis Chirinos Mendoz, Universidad Privada de Tacna

Doctor in Administration with excellence and public recognition, Master in Business Administration and Management from the Private University of Tacna; Industrial and Commercial Engineer from ESAN University; Specialization studies in Corporate Finance from ESAN University and Cambridge University, specialist in Personal Finance from Indiana University. He has more than 9 years of experience in commercial companies as a specialist and manager. He is currently a consultant for small and medium-sized businesses and at the same time an entrepreneur.


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How to Cite

Chirinos Mendoz, J. L. (2024). Liquidity and profitability of companies listed on the Lima Stock Exchange in the context of the Covid19 pandemic. Scientific Journal Visión De Futuro, 28(2). Retrieved from



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