Procedure for the evaluation of business opportunities in the sugar industry


  • Glenia Rabassa Olazábal University of Camagüey
  • Erenio González Suárez Central University of Las Villas
  • Amaury Pérez Sanchez University of Camagüey
  • Juan Esteban Miño Valdés National University of Misiones
  • Amaury Pérez Martínez Amazon State University


Sugar Industry; Business; Evaluation Procedure.


The aim of this study was to propose a method, to develop, assess and validate the business opportunities that arise in the premises of the Cuban sugar industry. A Heuristic Diagram which took into account technical, economic, social, environmental and risk factors, using tools Management Analysis Development to identify the main options of industrial production processes with high efficiency, material balances designed and energy Complex goal Process Analysis, which allows you to view the best business option. The proposed production process of D-xylose and glucose from waste and by-products of the sugar industry procedure was applied. The criteria used were quantified using the SuperPro Designer® version 9.0, Statgraphics Centurion version XVI, KeywordSpy and Excel software. It was concluded that the procedure was successfully applied and developed to validate, in this case, the production of D-xylose and glucose from bagasse from sugar cane. Moreover, this business opportunity evaluated, presented viable technical, economic and environmental indicators for the Cuban sugar industry.

Author Biographies

Glenia Rabassa Olazábal , University of Camagüey

Master in Technology of Sugar Production. Dra. In Technical Sciences graduated from the Central University of Las Villas, Cuba. Assistant Prof. and Researcher of the Department of Chemical Engineering, Fac. De Cs. Applied to Industry, Univ. De Camagüey, Cuba.

Erenio González Suárez , Central University of Las Villas

Dr. in Technical Sciences and Dr. in Sciences. Postdoctor in Environmental Management and Industrial Safety graduated from the University of Magdeburg, Germany. Merit Member of the Academy of Sciences, Cuba. National Prize of Chemical Engineering 2013 from the Chemical Association, Cuba. Professor and Researcher in the Department of Chemical Engineering, Fac. Of Chemistry-Pharmacy, Univ. Central de Las Villas, Cuba.

Amaury Pérez Sanchez , University of Camagüey

Dr. in Technical Sciences graduated from the Central University of Las Villas, Cuba. Prof. Instructor and Researcher in the Department of Chemical Engineering, Fac. De Cs. Applied to Industry, Univ. De Camagüey, Cuba.

Juan Esteban Miño Valdés , National University of Misiones

Esp. In Produc. and Environment. MSc. at Tecnol. de Alim. Dr. in Technical Sciences and Postdoctor in Science and Innovation Management graduated from the Central University of Las Villas, Cuba.

Amaury Pérez Martínez , Amazon State University

MSc. in Analysis of Chemical Industry Processes. Dr. in Technical Sciences graduated from the Central University of Las Villas, Cuba. Professor and Researcher in the Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Univ. Estatal Amazónica, Ecuador; and in the Department of Chemical Engineering, Fac. de Cs. Applied to Industry, Univ. De Camagüey, Cuba.


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How to Cite

Rabassa Olazábal , G., González Suárez , E. ., Pérez Sanchez , A., Miño Valdés , J. E. . ., & Pérez Martínez , A. (2016). Procedure for the evaluation of business opportunities in the sugar industry. Scientific Journal Visión De Futuro, 20(2). Retrieved from



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