Managers skills in organizations of the palmicultor sector in department of Cesar – Colombia


  • Francisco José García Payares Popular University of Cesar
  • Efrain Arnoldo Boom Cárcamo Popular University of Cesar
  • Molina Romero Schneyder José University of La Guajira


Management skills; Oil palm sector; Organizations; Strategic alliances.


The untimely changes coming from the globalization of economies in the markets, require management skills to have a preponderant role in the survival of the same, hence, as the business world changes it is necessary to change the mental structure of those who direct these organizations. In this sense, the director or manager of any type of organization must update and give applicability to the three (3) large groups of management skills. The purpose of this article is to characterize the managerial skills of the managers of the organizations of the palm sector of the Cesar department of - Colombia and the identification of strategies to improve the management of the managers in the development of their business activity. The type of study used was field research, transectional, non-experimental and descriptive. The population for the present investigation was eighteen (18) managers and assistant operatives or first line, as main informants distributed in palm oil companies of the department of Cesar - Colombia, which allowed identifying the characteristics of the managers and proposing strategies that allow to improve their management in these organizations, focused on the potentialization of the managerial skills identified and the development of personal competences.

Author Biographies

Francisco José García Payares, Popular University of Cesar

Doctor of Management Sciences. Master in Business Management. Vice-rector for Research and Extension of the Popular University of Cesar. Professor of the Business Administration Program of the Faculty of Administrative, Accounting and Economic Sciences, Valledupar (Colombia).

Efrain Arnoldo Boom Cárcamo, Popular University of Cesar

Master in Business Development. Agroindustrial Engineer. Occasional full-time professor at the Faculty of Basic and Applied Sciences. University of La Guajira, Riohacha (Colombia).

Molina Romero Schneyder José, University of La Guajira

Master in Management of Research and Development Projects. Business administrator. Professor at the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences of the University of La Guajira, Villanueva Headquarters (Colombia).


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How to Cite

García Payares, F. J., Boom Cárcamo, E. A. ., & Schneyder José, M. R. (2017). Managers skills in organizations of the palmicultor sector in department of Cesar – Colombia. Scientific Journal Visión De Futuro, 21(2). Retrieved from



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