Value creation from the internet of things: exploratory study in Buenos Aires province


  • Marisa Analia Sánchez National University of the South
  • Gustavo Ramoscelli National University of the South


Internet of Things; Digital Transformation; Collaboration; Product-as-a-service model.


The development of value propositions based on the Internet of Things (IoT) requires knowledge and experience in technology. For non-technological organizations it is difficult to independently provide a complete solution based on IoT. The aim of the work is to carry out a survey on the situation and the development of the IoT product and service suppliers, the scientific production and the government initiatives. The research methodology is based on literature reviews, analysis of academic publications and opinion poll in order to define the situation in the productive and academic sectors. As a result an incremental evolution of the sector is observed. The productive sector is organized in chambers that offer trainings and events directly related to the development of IoT solutions. The academic sector denotes a scientific production in indexed journals and made in collaboration with institutions of other countries. The Government area is one of the most advanced given that there are numerous applications developed by municipalities in the context of intelligent cities.

Author Biographies

Marisa Analia Sánchez, National University of the South

Doctor in Computer Science (Universidad Nacional del Sur), Associate Professor in the Department of Administration Sciences, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahía Blanca, Argentina. Research interests: The role, value and governance of digitization in organizations.

Gustavo Ramoscelli, National University of the South

Electronic Engineer (Universidad Nacional del Sur), Teaching Assistant in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahía Blanca, Argentina. Research interests: improvement of industrial processes and services through the adoption of technologies based on the Internet of Things.


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How to Cite

Sánchez, M. A. ., & Ramoscelli, G. . (2018). Value creation from the internet of things: exploratory study in Buenos Aires province. Scientific Journal Visión De Futuro, 22(1). Retrieved from



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