The evolution of corporate social responsibility through organizational theories



Corporate Social Responsibility; Organization; Theory.


At the beginning of the XX century, one of the most interesting times for the organizational field originates, being recognized as the second industrial revolution, where there were a lot of advances and technological innovations. It should be noted that, within this stage, important contributions were generated, establishing in this way the most representative organizational theories in the business field. So, this research aims to make a theoretical reflection through an exhaustive literary review to identify how the CSR has been affected by various organizational theories over the years. In conclusion, the documents that are about the different organizational theories show that the greatest contributions were made during the XX century, at the time of industrialization. These contributions were mostly aimed at issues of production. Today's companies have to analyze each of the benefits that CSR can generate for their daily operation. The main barrier to this not being implemented is that most managers consider it more of an expense than a long-term investment. It is a more viable strategy towards the development of organizations, since it allows establishing a sustainable future outlook.

Author Biographies

José Francisco Herrera Acosta , Technological Institute of Sonora

Graduated from the Bachelor of Administration degree from the Technological Institute of Sonora with vast experience in the consulting area in the Sonora region; Currently a graduate student in the Master of Organizational Management, interested in research on corporate social responsibility.

María del Carmen Vásquez Torres , Technological Institute of Sonora

Doctor in Strategic Planning for Performance Improvement; in addition to serving as a research professor in the Department of Administrative Sciences and Coordinator of the Master's Program in Business Administration and Development at the Technological Institute of Sonora, Cajeme, Sonora, Mexico.

Eneida Ochoa Ávila , Technological Institute of Sonora

PhD with a specialty in business administration. PhD candidate in Strategic Planning and Improvement of Organizations. Master of Administration with a specialty in Human Resources and a degree in Psychology. Professor "C", Department of Psychology of the Technological Institute of Sonora. It belongs to the National System of Researchers Level I.


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How to Cite

Herrera Acosta , J. F. ., Vásquez Torres , M. del C. ., & Ochoa Ávila , E. . (2020). The evolution of corporate social responsibility through organizational theories. Scientific Journal Visión De Futuro, 24(2). Retrieved from



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