Accounting treatments of biological assets and agricultural products



Biological Assets; Agricultural Products; Colombian Farms; Accounting Standards.


It should be mentioned that this work that is presented, as a result of research, corresponds to the management and accounting treatment that can be given to Biological Assets in Latin American companies in the agricultural sector, and its purpose is to demonstrate the influence that exists between the importance given to low financial accounting (IAS / IFRS) and poor reciprocity in accounting management and accounting practices that are effectively applied in the agricultural sector, especially in SMEs, thus causing some cracks. However, it can be stated that the reasons for the possible fissures that may exist are attributed to the fact that the current general accounting standards do not adapt very well to the particularities of the agriculture sector and are relatively difficult, and costly to implement. In the Latin American case, it should be mentioned that International Accounting Standard 41. (IAS 41), when they are full and section 34 for SMEs, prescribe the accounting treatment of agricultural activity, introducing significant advances in the recognition of results. for the transformation of biological goods generated in the joint effort of human beings and nature.

Author Biographies

Rubén Darío Marrufo Garcia , Dr. Rafael Belloso Chacin University

Degree in Accounting from the Dr. José Gregorio Hernández University, Master in Business Management, Dr. in Management Sciences, Postdoctor in Management of Organizations (Urbe). Professor at the Dr. Rafael Belloso Chacin University). Invited professor by the Popular University of Cesar, national and international lecturer.

Abel María Cano Morales, University of Medellin

Associate Professor Doctor. Former Head of the Public Accounting Program, Former Director of the Master's Degree in Taxation and Fiscal Policy at the University of Medellín. Currently Coordinator of Internationalization of the Public Accounting program and Research Professor of the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences of the University of Medellín. Leader of the GIIP Accounting and Public Management Research Group. Public Accountant 1995. Specialist in Tax Management. 1996. ISDET-Universidad Externado de Colombia. Derivatives, futures and options specialist. 2005. Anglia Ruskin college price future group- London. Master in Administration, 2000. Autonomous University of Bucaramanga. Magister in Finance, 2003. Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey- México. Cum Laude. Doctor in Public Administration, 2014, American Andragogi University, - United States of North America. Outstanding. Certification in Norms. London 2007. The Institute of Internal Auditors, London. Certifications by ICAWEB- London, 2019. Training and Evaluation Program in IFRS for SMEs. Diploma in University Didactics 2004. University of Medellín. Diploma in Assembly of Courses in AVA Platform 2005. Sena National Learning Service. Diploma in Information and Communication Technologies 2005. Universidad de Medellín. 2006 Scientific Dissemination Seminar. University of Medellín. Diploma in Formation and Management of Research Groups. 2003. University of Medellín. Par of the CNA since 2004, for accreditation of programs National Council of Accreditation. Par of the MEN since 2004, for Qualified Registry of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs Ministry of National Education. International Pair assigned to the SINAES of Costa Rica since 2010, for International Accreditation of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs Ministry of Education of Costa Rica. Author of 9 books, 12 book chapters and 70 articles.


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How to Cite

Marrufo Garcia , R. D. ., & Cano Morales, A. M. . (2021). Accounting treatments of biological assets and agricultural products. Scientific Journal Visión De Futuro, 25(2). Retrieved from



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