The role of local universities in the dissemination of social innovations: The case of the municipal district of Quito



Territory; Social innovation; Metropolitan District of Quito; Universities collaboration.


Local knowledge helps generate social innovations. Universities, which are part of the territorial innovation system, are important in creating innovations, but their role in diffusing social innovations is less well known. The social policies established in Ecuador have given rise to different social innovations. In particular, the metropolitan district of Quito, based on the metropolitan development plan from 2012 to 2022, has generated a process of social innovations of great interest. Local universities usually participate in the training process of the agents involved in the development of social innovation. In a complementary way, local universities can facilitate cooperation between these agents. Both are essential elements in the diffusion of innovation. This paper analyzes the importance of collaboration with universities to disseminate social innovations in the Metropolitan District of Quito, using a series of interviews. The results indicate that the lack of collaboration with the universities and the limited knowledge that exists in them hampered the practical development of the plan and its effectiveness.

Author Biographies

Klaus Gierhake, Giessen University

Dr. rer. nat, University Marburg / Germany. Founder company CRELA, independent consultant of several international organizations. Research interests: Social innovation in local governments, factors of creative territories (apart from economics) complementary knowledge between Europe and Latin America on territorial issues, social innovation; institutional analysis of local government and civil society, monitoring of public policy impact.

Carlos Maria Fernandez Jardon, University of Vigo

PhD in Economics from the University of Navarra and PhD in Mathematics from the University of Navarra. Executive MBA from Caixanova Business School, Master in knowledge management from the Complutense University of Madrid. He is Professor of Econometrics at the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences of the University of Vigo. He has carried out numerous investigations in the field of applied economics and market research. Collaborator in different research projects in Galician companies and in cooperation projects in Russia, Argentina and Paraguay, for the development of strategic plans in business chains and cross-border production integration process. He has different publications on specialized topics intellectual capital, innovation and small companies in international magazines such as the Journal of Intellectual capital, International Journal of Emerging markets, Business Review Quaterly, among others.


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How to Cite

Gierhake, K. ., & Fernandez Jardon, C. M. . (2021). The role of local universities in the dissemination of social innovations: The case of the municipal district of Quito. Scientific Journal Visión De Futuro, 26(1). Retrieved from



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