Identification of physical constraints in the logistic system of trading enterprises in Holguin, Cuba


  • Yosvani Orlando Lao León Holguín University
  • Fernando Marrero Delgado Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas
  • Milagros Caridad Pérez Pravia Holguín University
  • Joaquin José González Ricardo Holguín University


Trading enterprises; Physical constraints; Logistic system.


At present, it is of utmost importance in every organization, the identification of the restrictive resources for their performance, due to the high competitiveness that presents the world market, where the inadequate availability of the resources requires them to carry out analysis and improvement of its management. The trading enterprises are some of the more affected, since their organization, raise the price of the product or service, when being essential the management of their capacities. In this context, it is indispensable to possess tools that allow identifying all that resource, process or market conditions that represents a physical constraint in the fulfillment of its functions. Due to the inexistence of the above-mentioned instrument, was develop the present investigation with the objective to develop an instrument that of empiric way it allows identifying the principal physical constraints in the logistic system of trading enterprises in Holguin, Cuba. Its application enabled the elaboration of the Current Reality Tree, in the territory and the classification of the trading enterprises selected as object of study to the more frequent physical constraints in its logistic system.

Author Biographies

Yosvani Orlando Lao León, Holguín University

Master in Industrial Engineering (2013) at the University of Holguín, Cuba. Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Holguín, Cuba. His research interests include Business Logistics, Theory of Constraints, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research.

Fernando Marrero Delgado, Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas

Doctor in Technical Sciences (2001) at the Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas. He is currently Professor and Director of Human Resources at the Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas. His research focuses on Business Logistics and Operations Research.

Milagros Caridad Pérez Pravia, Holguín University

Doctor in Technical Sciences (2010) at the University of Holguín, Cuba. Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Tourism at the University of Holguín, Cuba. His research interests are on Business Logistics and the Theory of Constraints.

Joaquin José González Ricardo, Holguín University

Industrial Engineer (2015) from the University of Holguín. Professor in the Department of Computing of the Faculty of Informatics and Mathematics of the University of Holguín. His research interests include Business Logistics, Cold Logistics, and Operations Research.


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How to Cite

Lao León, Y. O., Marrero Delgado, F., Pérez Pravia, M. C., & González Ricardo, J. J. . (2016). Identification of physical constraints in the logistic system of trading enterprises in Holguin, Cuba. Scientific Journal Visión De Futuro, 21(1). Retrieved from



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