Experiments in social sciences: Renewable energies and energy poverty in the South of the province of Buenos Aires-Argentina



Randomized Controlled Trials; Energy Poverty; Vulnerability; Renewable Energy, Bahía Blanca.


The existence, at home, of deprivations in access to basic services becomes especially relevant in the current context of the pandemic due to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). This paper presents the results obtained in the first stage of the Renewable Energies project as a tool for reducing energy poverty. A pilot test in vulnerable neighborhoods in Bahía Blanca. It aims to implement solar collectors to provide households in vulnerable neighborhoods with sanitary hot water and evaluate its impact based on a methodology of randomized controlled trials. A socioeconomic characterization of the target population is presented considering previous surveys and advances in new surveys. The methodological planning of the intervention is also detailed, with special emphasis on the modifications that had to be made due to the context of social isolation. The results suggest that households in the 9 de Noviembre neighborhood lag far behind in terms of development and well-being in relation to the city average. This situation is a constant as it arises from at least two household surveys (2016 and 2020). In the implementation of controlled trials in Economics, the explicit consideration of those factors not controllable by the researcher is essential.

Author Biographies

Fernando Antonio González, CONICET

Master in Economics from the UNS. He is a Doctoral Fellow at the Institute for Economic and Social Research of the South, UNS-CONICET and a Professor at the Department of Economics, UNS. His main area of ​​interest is the study of the micro and macro economic impacts of natural disasters.

Mauro David Reyes Pontet, CONICET

Graduated in Economics from the UNS since 2017. CONICET Doctoral Fellow and “B” Assistant with single dedication in the Economics department at the UNS Department of Economics. She works on the theme: Poverty and the environment in urban contexts under the direction of Silvia London.

María Florencia Zabaloy, CONICET

She is a Doctor in Economics from the UNS. Currently she works as a teacher in the Department of Economics of the UNS and as a doctoral fellow of CONICET. He is researching energy efficiency policies in the Argentine residential sector under the direction of Marina Recalde and Carina Guzowski.

María María Ibáñez Martín, CONICET

She is a PhD in Economics from the UNS, a CONICET Postdoctoral Fellow and a professor at the UNS Department of Economics. She works in the area of ​​Economic Development, with an emphasis on the development of indicators and measurement of social phenomena, in which she has publications in specialized magazines and participation in conferences.

Silvia London, CONICET

Doctor in Economics from the UNS. CONICET Principal Investigator, Director of IIESS (UNS-CONICET). Professor of the Department of Economics of the UNS, where she obtained her doctorate in Economics (1999). He investigates economic development, with an emphasis on institutional analysis, poverty traps and sustainable development, focusing on formal and empirical mechanisms that lead to situations of stagnation and poverty.


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How to Cite

González, F. A. ., Reyes Pontet, M. D. ., Zabaloy, M. F. ., Ibáñez Martín, M. M. ., & London, S. . (2021). Experiments in social sciences: Renewable energies and energy poverty in the South of the province of Buenos Aires-Argentina. Scientific Journal Visión De Futuro, 25(1). Retrieved from https://revistacientifica.fce.unam.edu.ar/index.php/visiondefuturo/article/view/472