Measurements of the quality of working life in companies of the city of Córdoba 2021
Quality of working life; Continuous Improvement; Teleworking; Structural Equation Modeling; Job satisfaction.Abstract
This project is the second part of the one presented in 2020 and integrates the Program "Current Population Challenges", where we include the Quality of Working Life (CVL), since it is a current population challenge to study its components and the factors that affect it: unemployment, underemployment, job insecurity, economic crisis, gender issues that have not been overcome in years, preconceptions about the lower decision-making capacity of women compared to men, among others. Last year, we built an integrating and overcoming model of the components of the CVL, based on CVT-GOHISALO-2018 (Brief), with 7 dimensions and incorporated: a dimension on Continuous Improvement and a dimension to evaluate the impact of quarantine due to COVID-19 on people's work, Teleworking. The main conclusion of the first part of the project was the elaboration of a questionnaire based on the integrating and overcoming model of the components of the CVL. This second part presents the application of this questionnaire to companies in the city of Córdoba, both industrial and service, to measure the different variables of the model reflected in the questions of the digital form, analyze them and draw conclusions.References
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