The Construction Process and Application of a Quality-Innovation Relationship Model



Quality, Innovation, Agricultural machinery


This paper describes the construction and application of a relationship model between the quality and innovation variables in the context of the agricultural machinery industry in Mexico. The model allows the degree of maturity of each of the variables to be weighted, assigning a value to each component and element to analyze their relationship. Thus, the construction process is presented in four stages and its application in an agricultural machinery manufacturing company located in Mexico. It shows that quality positively but indirectly affects innovation, through the strengthening of the intermediate variable that drives innovation. Furthermore, it suggests that quality promotes incremental rather than radical innovation, by driving rational innovation, in which companies can ensure commercial viability. Finally, the limitations of the work are exposed in the work and its validation through the application in other industries and contexts is suggested.

Author Biographies

David Arturo Reyes Chacon, Laboratorio Nacional de Investigación y Servicios Agroalimentarios y Forestales de la Universidad Autónoma Chapingo

Doctor in innovation management and policies from the IPN. He has been responsible for quality support departments and quality management systems of various organizations, collaborated in the implementation of systems and their evaluation through audits in Mexico and abroad and participated in standardization committees and certification bodies among them the Mexican Accreditation Entity, COFEPRIS, CMISO CASCO, among others. His line of research is developed in topics of quality, innovation and linkage.

Gibrán Rivera González, Unidad Profesional Interdisciplinaria de Ingeniería y Ciencias Sociales y Administrativas, Instituto Politécnico Nacional

Doctor in Information Studies from the University of Sheffield, United Kingdom. Member of the National System of Level 1 Researchers and the CONACYT Registry of Accredited Evaluators. He is currently participating in the Postgraduate Doctoral and Master's degrees of the IPN. Its main topics are related to knowledge management and innovation, social innovation and cooperative organizations, traditional knowledge and agroecology, adoption and use of information technologies in organizational contexts, open data and the promotion of scientific vocations in children. He has published in JCR indexed journals, including the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Journal of Documentation and Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Gestión. In 2020 he received the IPN Research Award in the area of ​​Social Sciences and Humanities.

Alma Velia Ayala Garay, Campo Experimental Valle de México, Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias

Senior Researcher C at the National Institute of Agricultural and Livestock Research (INIFAP). She belongs to the National Research System of CONACYT, Level 1. She is an Agricultural Engineer specializing in Agricultural Economics from the Autonomous University of Chapingo (UACh). Master of Science in Economics from the Postgraduate College and also has a Master's degree in Globalization and Sustainable Rural Development from Roskilde University in Denmark. Doctor in Economic-Agroindustrial Problems from the Center for Economic, Social and Technological Research in World Agriculture and Agroindustry (CIESTAAM) at the Autonomous University of Chapingo. He has published 40 scientific articles in indexed journals, 5 books and more than 15 book chapters, with almost 900 citations. She has been coordinator and collaborator of 15 projects in INIFAP and in other Institutions such as CONACYT and UACh. The studies he has carried out are mainly in mechanization, analysis of competitiveness, profitability and sustainable rural development in crops such as corn, barley, amaranth, wheat, vegetables and fruit trees.


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How to Cite

Reyes Chacon, D. A., Rivera González, G., & Ayala Garay, A. V. (2024). The Construction Process and Application of a Quality-Innovation Relationship Model. Scientific Journal Visión De Futuro, 29(1). Retrieved from



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