The relationship between human intelectual capital and innovation capacity in the public sector



Intellectual capital in the public sector; Human capital; The Public sector capacity to innovate; Innovation in the public sector; Knowledge management.


The public sector must respond to the citizens’ demands with speed and innovation. This ability can prevent many deaths, as in the case with the Covid-19 pandemic. The present study has the general objective of identifying the influence of human intellectual capital on the public sector capacity to innovate. To this end, 158 public servants, who occupy leadership positions in the municipal public administration of the city of Latin America (Santiago - Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil), were interviewed. The statistical technique used was exploratory factor analysis and, through the analysis of the main components, two human capital factors were extracted: training and skills, values and attitudes, in addition to the constructs of innovation capacity: services and processes, organizational and institutional. The study tested the hypothesis that all human capital factors are positively, significantly and directly related to the dimensions of innovation capacity. The most relevant index of correlation was identified among the variables: values and attitudes, and the capacity of services and processes. Therefore, the case of study verified the positive, direct and significant influence of human intellectual capital with the public sector capacity to innovate, specifically, in the local / municipal public administration in question.

Author Biographies

Rodrigo Belmonte Da Silva, Farroupilha Federal Institute

Doctoral student in Administration at the National University of Misiones, AR (UNAM) - professor and researcher under the exclusive regime of the Farroupilha Federal Institute - Brazil, in the areas of public and private management, with an emphasis on strategic management of organizations, regional development and innovation.

Carlos Maria Fernandez Jardón , University of Vigo

PhD in Economics from the University of Navarra and PhD in Mathematics from the University of Navarra. Executive MBA from Caixanova Business School, Master in knowledge management from the Complutense University of Madrid. He is Professor of Econometrics at the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences of the University of Vigo. He has carried out numerous investigations in the field of applied economics and market research. Collaborator in different research projects in Galician companies and in cooperation projects in Russia, Argentina and Paraguay, for the development of strategic plans in business chains and cross-border production integration process. He has different publications on specialized topics intellectual capital, innovation and small companies in international magazines such as the Journal of Intellectual capital, International Journal of Emerging markets, Business Review Quaterly, among others.


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How to Cite

Silva, R. B. D., & Fernandez Jardón , C. M. . (2021). The relationship between human intelectual capital and innovation capacity in the public sector. Scientific Journal Visión De Futuro, 25(2). Retrieved from



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