Compliance risk management with a focus on shared values: Application in a case study in Cuba



Compliance; Compliance risk; Risk management; Organizational values.


Organizations that aspire to obtain long-term results must correctly manage compliance with laws, regulations, codes, international standards and best practices related to ethics and society's expectations. The present research aims to propose a methodology for compliance risk management with a focus on organizational values. The methodology includes the main stages of traditional risk analysis: analysis of the organizational context, identification of obligations, evaluation and assessment of compliance risks and their treatment through action plans. As the main novelty, the authors include a tool that allows the integration of the elements of the context, with the identified obligations, their associated risks and the ethical values shared by the organization, called CORVAL map. The results of the implementation of the methodology in the process of Production of Computer Services in an cuban entity allow to identify as main risks: illicit contractual relations, lack of knowledge of the code of conduct by the workers, affectations to the prestige of the organization and high rates of electric energy consumption, identifying the shared value Responsibility and its associated behavior, as the most influential principle in the mitigation of the risks of compliance of the process.

Author Biographies

Juan Antonio Plasencia Soler, Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas

Professor of the University of Informatics Sciences and Doctor of Technical Sciences José Antonio Echeverría Technological University of Havana. Since 2003, he has been teaching undergraduate and postgraduate courses at the UCI. He is currently researching topics related to business ethics, corporate social responsibility, sustainability, multi-criteria methods for decision-making and methods for risk analysis and its criticality.

Anna Bajo Sanjuán, ESIC Business & Marketing School

PhD in Business Management from the Comillas Pontifical University, full-time Professor at ESIC University (Madrid, Spain), where she is also Director of Sustainability. He also directs the ETHIS Research Group (Ethics of Sustainable Investment) from where he investigates the various levers that accelerate the transition towards sustainability in companies. Currently, he is doing a research stay at the University of York (United Kingdom) within the Equality, Justice and Ethics group of the School for Business & Society.

Fernando Marrero Delgado, Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas

Professor and PhD in Technical Sciences at the Central University "Marta Abreu" de las Villas (UCLV). Since 1992, he has taught undergraduate and postgraduate courses at the UCLV. He is currently researching topics related to business ethics, corporate social responsibility, corporate sustainability, multi-criteria methods for decision-making, business logistics and supply chains, risk management and internal control systems.

Miriam Nicado García, Universidad de La Habana

PhD in Mathematical Sciences. Titular teacher. He has given lectures in mathematical and pedagogical areas at universities in Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Venezuela, the Dominican Republic and Ecuador. He completed a research stay at the Free University of Brussels. It has publications and participation in national and international scientific events. She is currently Rector of the University of Havana.


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How to Cite

Plasencia Soler, J. A., Bajo Sanjuán, A., Marrero Delgado, F., & Nicado García, M. (2023). Compliance risk management with a focus on shared values: Application in a case study in Cuba. Scientific Journal Visión De Futuro, 27(2). Retrieved from



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